Are You Feeling the Empty Nest Blues?

Are You Feeling the Empty Nest Blues?

in Abundance, Blog |


Empty nest syndrome refers to feelings of depression, sadness, and, or grief experienced by parents and caregivers after children come of age and leave their childhood homes.
These problems used to belong almost exclusively to women who were the primary caretakers of the children, and those who had no career. They had no other identity to fall back on. Today both men and women may suffer from empty nest because many women work and men are far more involved in their children’s lives.


  • Those who have difficulty with separation and change.
  • Full-time parents.
  • Those who also struggle with menopause, retirement, and aging parents.
  • Those who feel their child is not ready to leave home.




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5 Tips For Empty Nesters With Newly Empty Nests


Just like volunteering at your child’s school makes you part of a community and helps you make friends with fellow parents, volunteering at your local library, homeless shelter, or with a civic group will immerse you in a new community that includes neighbors and other empty nesters.

Find A Hobby

Take advantage of your empty nest and get involved in something that you have wanted to do and previously did not have enough time to do. Take a class, play a sport, or find a hobby.

It’s never too late to start something new.

Get A Job Or Start A Business

If you’ve only ever done poorly paid part-time jobs while the children were at home (or if raising kids for 18 years was enough full-time work in itself!), now is your time for a fresh start. Or you may have had an ambition or dream to run your own business — Now is the time to discover what passions live within you and pursue them!


Now that you’re not responsible for school lunches, after school activities, etc, explore the idea of exploring. Rejoice in the freedom you haven’t had in years and see the world. Feel like seeing the pyramids? Versailles? Living in Costa Rica for a year week? Or simply discover your city or county.!

Reacquaint Yourself With Others

If an empty nest means anything, It’s a little extra time. Rejoice in your long-deserved break from acting like a parent and act like an adult. Whether you’re married or single, take the opportunity to reignite the sputtering spark in your relationship or get out there and carve out for yourself a love life worth living. Or reconnect with relatives, forgotten school friends.


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Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure, and Other Everyday Hurts


In summary, we need to reclaim our happiness:  We are stewards of our own Happiness


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